While the Fort Mill Down Payment Assistance program has been discontinued, we now have a superior replacement for South Carolina down payment assistance with much more flexibility.
We now offer no-money-down home purchase loans in select SC counties within the Charlotte metro area for first time home buyers and other buyers who do not currently own a home even if they did previously! These counties include York, Lancaster and Chester counties of South Carolina. Additionally, these no money down home purchase loans have no Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) that will save home buyers thousands of dollars yearly and over the life of the loan. With no required down payment and no PMI, now home buyers in these South Carolina counties can qualify for more homes that comfortably will fit within their budgets. Best of all, there are no income limits to qualify for a home purchase with this loan product. With all of the above features, there’s no need for restrictive down payment assistance programs!
If you’re interested in qualifying for this very special loan product in the specified SC counties (also available in Mecklenburg, Union and Cabarrus counties in NC), please complete our Online Application and we’ll get you started on the path to home ownership! Note: Minimum credit scores required (640 for USDA loan; 680 for “no money down” loan)
The Fort Mill Down Payment Assistance Program provides down payment assistance of 8% of home purchase price for homes purchased in York County or Lancaster County, SC. Note that these locations are in close proximity to Paramount Carowinds south of Charlotte and the upscale Ballantyne area southeast of Charlotte. Other requirements include:
Maximum purchase price – $177,175 (York county) and $172,632 (Lancaster county)
Age of home must be 5 years old or less
Borrower must use $500 of own funds
No requirement to be a first time homebuyer
Must complete 8-hours of homeownership counseling
Eligibilty subject to income limits
Contact Pruitt Miller Realty Group for more information on this or any of our other homebuyer programs in the Charlotte NC area by completing the form below!
We understand that homeownership is a significant achievement for many. You can trust that we will take a caring and understanding “hands-on” approach in the coordination and management of our team of approved lenders and affiliates.
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